Muay Boran

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  • Krabi Krabong, The Tiger Sword of Thailand

    Krabi Krabong, The Tiger Sword of Thailand

    Sale! $29.95

    Krabi Krabong, The Tiger Sword of Thailand: The Science of Fighting with Eight Arms! Paperback – July 31, 2022

    by Anthony B. James(Author): Ajahn, Dr. Anthony B. James The traditional Martial Arts of Thailand are gaining popularity worldwide, especially Muay Thai- Thai Kick Boxing and Muay Boran Traditional Thai Combat Arts of Hand to Hand. Muay Thai is known as one of the most effective forms of empty-hand combat in the world. Those who have seen professional bouts of Thai Boxing have witnessed Karate, Kung Fu, and other Arts meet their brutal end at the flashing elbows and knees of the Thai fighters.
    Buy Krabi Krabong, Tiger Sword Book

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