Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy have been vital to Thailand’s indigenous culture for thousands of Years. The ancient practices of Thai Reishi Yoga or Reusi Dottan are the origin of Thai Yoga therapy for the hands. This is true for Hand Yoga!
The religious therapeutic techniques, as described in this manual, if performed properly and regularly, can help to maintain inner well-being, balance energy, relax the whole body, and strengthen the soft and or connective tissues, restoring and or maintaining the health of the Arms and Upper Torso: most specifically focused on the fingers, wrists and shoulder girdle.
These Hand Yoga techniques are also a form of Chi Gung/ Prana Healing. This sequence and practice has been developed, refined, and taught by Dr. Anthony B. James, Dean of the American College of Natural Medicine, as part of the SomaVeda® Thai Yoga practitioner program since 1983. Dr. Anthony B. James, Ajahn, and Master teacher, has provided over 100 clear illustrations and photographs showing the various positions and how to do them as a traditional Yoga Vinyasa or therapeutic flow.
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